World Halal Day Croatia 2016
Center for Halal Quality Certification in cooperation with United World Halal Development organization is organizing World Halal Day Croatia 2016 (WHD), the first international event in Croatia dedicated to the Halal market, Halal tourism, Halal food and nutrition as well as Islamic…
Seminar: Upotreba palminog ulja
Malezija trenutno proizvodi oko 40% od svjetske proizvodnje palminog ulja i čini 44% svjetskog izvoza. Malezijski palmino ulje je izvozi u više od 150 zemalja. Kao jedan od najvećih proizvođača i izvoznika palminog ulja i proizvoda na bazi palminog ulja,…
Konferencija o halal turizmu u Konyi
Konferencija će se održat od 03.-05. maja 2016., a certificirani halal hoteli ostvaruju posebne pogodnosti. Turska je imenovana za ovogodišnjeg domaćina najvećeg međunarodnog skupa na temu halal turizma - sektora koji vrijedi 145 milijardi USD. Halal turizamje tržište sa trenutno najvećim…
Expohalal Spain 2015
The term Halal refers to the healthy actions, services and products allowed for Muslims. The rapid growth of the Halal industry in Europe provides great national and international business opportunities. With a population of more than 44 million Muslims, the…
World Halal Summit 2016
The World Halal Summit (WHS) is an amalgamation of one international exposition and six conferences with a single aim – to harness the full potential of Halal within a globalised environment. Hosted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry…
MIHAS 2016
The Malaysia International Halal Showcase or MIHAS is an annual trade fair organised by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and managed by Shapers Malaysia, as MIHAS Secretariat. It aims to facilitate the sourcing and selling of quality halal…